The Biggest Plumbing Myths – Busted

October 13, 2017


They have been passed down from generation to generation, but it is time to put a stop to the unnecessary damage and learn the truth behind some of the biggest plumbing myths around. The guide below will help you understand how to maintain your plumbing system and keep the plumbing folklore from ruining your efforts!

Some of the biggest plumbing myths busted:

Myth #1: Lemon is a Natural Way to Clean Your Garbage Disposal

While it may seem like a good idea to freshen up your smelly disposal by running a lemon through it, a lemon will only temporarily take care of the smell and wont actually give your disposal the cleaning it needs. Lemon peels can also be very damaging to your disposal blades. If you are looking for a way to rid yourself of the smell and want to thoroughly clean your disposal without damaging it you’ll need to use warm water, soap, and a brush. If you are looking for a great natural way to clean your disposal try opting in for an all natural soap instead. Before you get to cleaning, make sure to disconnect the disposal from its power source then you are free to clean away!

Myth #2: Running Water While Using the Garbage Disposal Helps the Disposal Function Smoothly

Probably one of the most common plumbing myths is that running water while using the garbage disposal will always help the disposal function smoothly. While this is generally true and most foods, in moderation, can be put down the garbage disposal, many homeowners believe that they can put just about ANYTHING down their garbage disposals as long as they run water. The truth is, certain items should never be put down your disposal, no matter how much water you run. Non-food items and hard or thick foods can severely damage your disposal. Below is a list of some of the biggest disposal no no’s.

Disposal No No’s:
  • large bones
  • coffee grounds
  • egg shells
  • fruit pits
  • grease
  • banana peels
  • any non-food items

Myth #3: If It Seems To Be Working, It’s Working

Just because everything seems to be working as it should, doesn’t mean it is. We have all heard it and/or experienced it, just “jiggle the handle.” Sometimes, the water in your pipes just runs a little slower or it takes a slight adjustment to get the water in your toilet to stop running. These little ‘tricks’ may seem like minor inconveniences now but your plumbing could be on the brink of failure. If your faucets are gradually losing water pressure, there could be tiny leaks and cracks setting you up for a serious situation shortly down the line. If your drains are running slower than usual, they could be getting blocked by debris which can lead to a more serious clog if left unattended. A home’s plumbing system is delicate and even seemingly minor issues can throw the entire system out of order. So, next time you go to “jiggle the handle” on your toilet remember that “if it seems to be working, it’s working,” is just another common plumbing myth.

Myth #4: In Tank Toilet Cleaners Will Keep Your Toilet Clean

Cleaning a dirty bathroom isn’t exactly an appealing job and cleaning the toilet in that dirty bathroom can seem even less appealing. Given the dirty nature of bathrooms, and toilets in particular, it only makes sense that we want to find a fast and easy way to clean them. That’s why many people choose to use the drop-in tank toilet cleaners. While they might look like they are cleaning your toilet on the surface, tank toilet cleaners actually cause more trouble and damage than good. Plastic and rubber parts, such as the gaskets and washers are highly susceptible to corrosion and wear from these cleaners. After using tank toilet cleaners for some time your toilet can start leaking and stop flushing properly. Don’t fall for the tank toilet cleaner myth and try cleaning your toilet manually on a regular basis, directly in the bowl, with cleansers and a brush.

Myth #5: A Leaky Faucet is Nothing to Worry About

For most people a leaky faucet isn’t a big deal, despite this myth, leaky faucets are actually a major signal for potential underlying problems with your plumbing system. All faucets in your house should maintain proper water pressure and should be free from leaks and drips. On top of the potential for underlying problems, ignoring the dripping from your faucet will cost you extra on your water bill. According to National Geographic, leaks contribute to about 14% of your average water use each day. Which means that leaky faucet, that didn’t seem like such a big deal, is actually costing you some real money. If you notice a drip in your faucet, even a small and slow one, don’t ignore it. Bust this myth and have a professional fix your leaky faucet so you can stop your money from going down the drain.

Myth #7: All Plumbers Are Exactly the Same

Many people assume that all plumbers are the same or that a ‘handy man’ can handle the job, however it is important to pick a respected company that you know you can trust in order to be satisfied! You should only accept experienced professionals when it comes to the plumbing in your house so you know the job will be done right the first time.Through quality service, the use of proper plumbing practices, and implementing the newest technologies to provide more energy efficient plumbing practices, Eastern Plumbing has established itself as one of the strongest plumbing companies in eastern North Carolina. Don’t trust your pipes to just anyone when you can count on the experienced professionals at Eastern Plumbing!

We’re available 24/7 for any plumbing emergency, contact Eastern Plumbing today.